A bunch of observations, surprises, and baffling moments of week 1

Exit Signs in Sweden. 

European Exit Signs

They do not say exit. They are not in red. They are literally green with a man running. In the Stockholm airport I kept finding them and thinking they were short cuts. Then there would be a door. I finally asked someone.

Our school doesn’t have a nurse.

Props to them for having many a counselor and cognitive behavior therapists willing to work with students. But, I still have a cough (it is going on three full weeks).

“It’s my first day in Europe. I have no idea what I am doing. ” Can get you the help you need. 

Be honest. Be vulnerable. There are people who will help you. While attempting to understand the train system in Sweden the first person I asked told me when I got to Stockholm not to panic just go downstairs, she literally shouted it to me as she got on her train. I got to Stockholm and started to panic. But, I found stairs. Lo and behold here was the way to get to all the other tracks.

Sometimes, people won’t help you in the way you actually need help. I asked a man working at Stockholm Central where to find the train to Karlstad  and he asked me “what track?” When I answered, “I don’t know.” He laughed, “me neither.” But explained to me where to go to figure it out.IMG_0165

Comfy Clothes actually means Active Wear. 

Invited to go to a place where comfy clothing was described as the attire. I wore cute boots. I needed running shoes and was doing physical exercise. Big Difference.

The tiniest cups of Coffee


But, I want more?

Spiral Staircases or it didn’t happen.


Spiral Staircases are EVERYWHERE. It was fun bringing two fifty lb. suitcases up two flights of these. They exist in clubs, in my university, on the jet way where I landed in Copenhagen. Everywhere.

I needed a few more basic cooking lessons before I came/ needed to not tell myself that I’m glad Joey knows how to cook and that that is a free pass for me not learning too much past what I know/ needed to know that I needed to know how to cook. 

After buying solely peanut butter, jelly, and a loaf of bread I was told that I would be required to make all of my own meals. HAHAHAHA. After living on PB &J for three days, I had a real meal. Now, two grocery shopping trips later, I can at least make pasta, salad, sandwiches, and have fresh fruit. And chocolate. Anyone have cheap and easy budget friendly recipes?

There is nothing more comforting that finding someone who says “me too,” right back at you. 

I’ve fallen in with a lovely bunch of girls.  Yes, it is early and who knows what the semester will hold. But it wonderful to meet people who make you laugh, can share in the experience of a new place, are in long distance relationships,  who are struggling with language barriers, slipping on ice, getting lost on the buses, AND,upon seeing a line too long at the club, that everyone goes to, deciding to go to Burger King for French Fries instead. It is a beautiful thing.

Construction can lead to beautiful views

The bus to get to the cheaper grocery store had a route change that we were unaware of. But it worked out because we saw all of this.

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Everything in Grocery Stores will be labeled in Swedish.

Something you just don’t think about till your inside and panicking. Thank goodness produce is easily identifiable.

Host Students are incredible

Shout out to Olka who provided me shampoo and body wash, a quick trip to a grocery store, a towel, and ethernet cable and a hug when I finally arrived to Karlstad.Thank you for being so awesome.

“As you travel solo, being totally responsible for yourself, it is inevitable that you will discover how capable you are.” Quote from Pinterest…sorry to the person who actually wrote it.

I still cried at 2 am when I went through Amsterdam customs and got stopped because my water bottle went through full of water. And I cried around the same time the next day when I was finally in my room, alone, with out my luggage, with phone calls home costing $1 per minute. But then orientation started. I got to meet some incredible people and started to attempt to know the lay of the land. I finally walked to University from the dorms (about a 15 minute walk) on my own today and knew how to get there. It felt like such a success!

Karlstad is….

Roughly 80,000 big with hopes to grow. It is home to the largest and oldest stone bridge in Sweden.


It is known for a special kind of hospitality that all started with this lady.  Eva- Lisa Holtz.

Taken during the only moment of sunshine during our walking tour of Karlstad.
Taken during the only moment of sunshine during our walking tour of Karlstad.

Karlstad cares about culture

Home to three live theaters, an opera house, a concert venue and a place called Uno. A cultural house for young adults 16-25 to come and tap into culture. Uno has a dance studio (free to rent out at anytime), a small cinema that shows a new movie every week, a stage for concerts, recording studios (after one class you are free to use), a dj studio, a professional photography studio, they offer classes on almost anything. If you ask, they’ll try to make it happen. They also serve  very cheap dinner on Friday nights with Open Mic Nights. I’ll definitely be there to dance and who knows maybe perform some spoken word poetry while I’m here! IMG_0187 IMG_0186 IMG_0185

Karlstad is really great…in the summer.

There are bus boats where a regular bus fare will take you on a boat ride! There are free bike rentals! Free concerts! Incredible amounts of sunlight (18 hours) Less ice! More holidays! Midsummers Festival! Before watching a presentation given by the municipality of Karlstad I jokingly told the girl next to me that I was going to count how many pictures of winter appeared. There was one. One picture. It was of The Swedish Rally which from my understanding is when people go into the woods and drink a lot and watch a car race. And if there is alcohol involved, then of course it will be mentioned. Oh Sweden.  So far, I am enjoying it in the winter, although there is a lot more ice than I imagined.

Being an Resident Assistant doesn’t leave you…even in a foreign country. 

Making door decs for my floor. Bonus points towards getting my job back next year? Also, debating between coffee mugs and mittens. Also, need to find where to buy construction paper.

Waking up from a nap with a phone call from a friendly man explaining your luggage is in fact right outside your home…priceless. 


From our Swedish Culture Lesson: 

Swedes basically keep to themselves and have mastered being intraverts to the point where the professor teaching us said she isn’t sure how any Swedes including her get married but it probably happened through Fika.


I already thought this was the best thing ever invented. And then I got here. Cheers to tiny cups of coffee, the best cinnamon bun in your entire life (kanelbullar), and time to socialize. I will come home knowing how to make kanelbullar.

Look at the chunks of sugar!

Sweden is Introverted. Unless it is drunk. 

Then they are probably the one to tip their cup over and spill it on your friends laps and then protest that they aren’t actually intoxicated. Also, there was no believing this guy was Swedish because he was way too outgoing but apparently that is typical when intoxicated. Waiting to meet more to see if that is truly the case.

Party Stamina 

When the president of the International Student Exchange Association starts his presentation with this slide behind him you know things are going to be interesting.

You can take a class again but you can't relive a party!
You can take a class again but you can’t relive a party!

He continued to explain how there is a possibility of a cruise during the semester but so far isn’t sure if they will get a boat because of what happened last time. What happened last time?!

Now, I am a people person. I like to experience new things. However, I am not attending Power Hour where people bring 2.5 liters of alcohol to consume within sixty minutes.  I just don’t understand. Note: not everyone is doing these things but there has been a party every night since last Wednesday and I am just amazed. HOW DO THEY DO IT?!

Why, of all things, is this on the library/main building of university?


I asked a new friend here if she had seen the movie and an employee of the University overheard me and said it was an “art installation.” I thought of Queens balls, excuse me, colorful spheres and thought well hey.

Who knew Dirty Dancing was so widely appreciated? Apparently it caused quite the controversy. However, the story they are sticking with is that “It means that we straighten our backs and give our best because we are capable.” Personally, I think they just are secretly giant fans of Patrick Swayze. Who can blame them for that?  Link below of the controversy.


It is just the beginning

The night before I left, one of my best friend’s mom  called and told me something along the lines of “your best memories will come from the moments you don’t know what you’re doing.” So far, she couldn’t be more right. I have no idea what I am doing.  This experience is no longer outside my door. This terrifying, beautiful, humbling, eye opening, adventure is in the air I breathe, in the room where I sleep, in the icy walks to University, inside the building that claim they teach English but only have signs in Swedish, in the people I am surrounded by.  It is here.  Thanks for reading. Tack.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Virginia says:

    Grandma loved Patrick Swayzey. LOVED! She once told Aunt Sue and I that she wouldn’t kick him out of bed for eating crackers and that he could put his boots under her bed any time. I don’t know if this gives you a good feeling about the library quote or makes you uncomfortable thinking about a Grandma with Patrick Swazey. Either way, she’s with you and loving the trip!


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